I'm a big fan of the Hornblower books. Oddly, no matter how many nautical novels i read, i need a refresher each time.

The name Boxer has an especial significance to me, but in my case has nothing to do with pugilism. Nevertheless, it seems to colour the expectations of those around me... and possibly of my own expectations of myself. My name should be spelled Bokser and refers to carob... in case you're wondering.

Thanks for the origin of "up to scratch"! I love that stuff. It's uncanny how many expressions are nautical.

I will put this O'Brian series on my reading list for the one-day plan. Thanks, Allen.

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Thanks for your note. I read all the Hornblower books and loved them. There are some memorable scenes and almost everything is handled very differently from O'Brian's approach. I read about 20 pages of a Blackwood story about the Canadian woods. A very compelling style. I found two anthologies containing his works along with the work of many writers I do know but never associated with the occult, so to speak. A page-turner. Very pleased to have discovered this author.

Naval jargon. I watched Anatomy of a Murder last night, with its many trial scenes. In one a lawyer tells a witness that he has "let the cat out of the bag," and says something about catching it or trying to do that. In life, the "cat" onboard is a whip, not a pet kept in a sack. When the cat is out of the bag, somebody is going to get x-many lashes, never good.

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Of course! Cat o' nine tails. Didn't know that one either!

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Wonderful, Allen! This makes me want to read O'Brian's books for myself. Fascinating historical material.

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Wow. Fascinating read. 44,000 sq ft of sail? That one got me, as did the female fight! lol Thanks Allen.

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