
The biggest out boxer I know of is Griffith, not a heavyweight. You have a good point about smaller, short men, those with a less aggressive physical presence, or less imposing, I should say. If not cute, they are, by virtue of their size, seemingly subordinate. Few great boxers are tall. Primo Canera was 6'6" and considered remarkable.

Your other point seems right to me. A gay boxer is right in the middle, breaking the gay stereotype and, because he is competitive and strong, exemplifying what some insist is toxic because it is overtly masculine. However, I think there are a lot of people who want gay men to be gay men so they can show their own virtue by supporting them (as they say). These are often the same people who claim to abhor stereotypes, even though they constantly confirm them.

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Thanks for replying. Perhaps calling Cruz 'cute' reveals more about me than anything about Cruz's ability! He could punch my lights out with ease. I understand that boxing categories are there to allow people of different sizes to have a fair fight, so we can better judge and admire the boxers' skill. Watching someone 5'6" getting pummelled by someone 6'2" is to no one's benefit. I get the impression that the heavy weight fights get top billing. There is a dominance hierarchy even in the evening's event card.

You second point rings true. Those 'allies' who use people as pets. I'm also sure that some gay men want to be 'gay' and put on affectations to claim an otherness that needs special status and allies. Which, ironically, is a way to diminish men who are naturally more effeminate.

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Excellent article. Loved this part "The gay boxer passes one test of masculinity but fails another." Thanks for the fascinating perspective.

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Hi Allen,

Excellent article. I would echo Tom' comment below. I'd like to ask what do we make of a world that is meant to shun 'toxic masculinity' (a phrase I abhor), but celebrates gay men for breaking stereotypes by displaying overt masculinty? Some people can hold both postions at once. I can't. Which one is it? I suspect the latter. I think people admire masculintity more than they will admit.

I noticed that the men mentioned box at lightweight or bantamweight. These guys are small, usually short - so they retain a certain 'cuteness' in a world that admires big men. Do you know of any heavyweight boxers who have come out?

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